Breathe Deeply
Integrative Breathwork Facilitator Training and Certification
Become an Industry Leading Breathwork Instructor and Amplify your Skills and your Impact
150 hour comprehensive/6 month Integrative Breathwork Training, Practicum and Certification
Foundational Breathwork theory, philosophy, and techniques, including experiential education in:
- The technique of conscious connected breathing and Integrative Breathwork
- Related breathing techniques that support and complement conscious connected breathing
- Reading the body and breath
- Developing the ability to perceive the imbalances/”story” in the body and breath
- A wide variety of effective tools used to safely and confidently facilitate others
- Conscious touch
- Affirmations correlating to the story of the body and breath
- Mid-session dialogue and inquiry
- Toning, releasing movements, and body repositioning
- How to recognize and work with common breathing patterns
- Use of intention, invocation, and themes
- Holding of sacred space
- Holding group sessions vs private sessions
- Collaborating with other modalities
- Alternate breath practices
- Opportunities to practice facilitating
- Become confident in supporting people in transformative emotional states
- Adding Breathwork to your toolkit of how you change people’s lives deepens your impact and results that you can get for your clients
- How Breathwork goes beyond cognitive therapy and truly helps people heal on a deep somatic, body-based, level

Certification of Individual and Group Breath Facilitation issued upon completion of training, practicum and all requirements
You are guided through a deep personal transformation as you become a facilitator. There is a deep focus on your own healing as apart of the Integrative Breathwork Training and Certification. There is a huge separation form a good facilitator and a master facilitator and what makes that different is a facilitator that does their own work!
Frequently asked questions
Conscious Connected Integrative Breath Facilitator Training
In this comprehensive six month training:
- You will receive individualized support with your Breath Practitioner Certification
- Be able to facilitate transformative individual breathwork sessions
- Confidently lead group breathwork sessions
- Receive business coaching and support to be able to grow your impact in the world
Without breath there is no life
Yet many of us take how we breath for granted
What Does Integrative Breathwork Do?
Oxygen feeds our cells and unless we are breathing deeply and fully, our body is not getting all the oxygen or releasing all the toxins necessary for optimal health.
Our mental and emotional states are also greatly affected by our breathing patterns. We can change our chemistry, outlook and attitude by changing the depth, rhythm and rate of our breathing. Simply Put, Change your Breath, Change your Life!
The use of breath to improve our health, emotional state and mental clarity is a skill everyone can benefit from learning.
Integrative Breathing opens and clears restricted breathing patterns producing:
- Increased detoxification
- Improved respiratory capacity
- Stronger immune system
- Creates more balance and Better Health
Integrative Breathing clears the subconscious mind which allows us to:
- Resolve stress
- Clear repressed emotions
- Remove old stigmas which creates peace, creativity and clarity of mind
Integrative Breathing eases accessibility to higher dimensions and levels of consciousness to give us:
- A Stronger connection to Higher Self
- A Fuller expression of Spiritual gifts
- Deeper Meditation
- An Opening to the Mystical
- Awareness of Unity Consciousness
What is an Integrative Breathing session like?
Integrative Breathing is not therapy, It is an advanced technology which takes us beyond the mind into the transpersonal realm. Because the technique works so deeply, you may accomplish in one session what could have ordinarily taken years.
Each session is a unique self-healing adventure. For approximately one hour, you will lie down, relax and engage in deep, connected breathing (continuous breathing with no pauses).
You will be taught how to open restricted breathing patterns so your entire respiratory system is utilized. Awareness on feelings and energy patterns in your body as you breathe is maintained for the session. Integration is often very gentle and joyful and at times intense. The result is a deep state of relaxation and peace.

Breathwork and Sound Therapy Signature Retreat
Discover how our Signature Retreats can help you step into your peace, power and purpose… Release self-sabotage, heal past pain and reclaim your confidence